[Fedora]Steps for Configuring TFTP Server

This configuration of tftp server is  for Fedora  Install tftp-server Give correct path for tftp server in /etc/xinetd.d/tftp file under server_args  (-s option is required to avoid giving absolute path for getting and putting the files from client)  Restart xinetd service for the new configuration to take effect. “service  xinetd restart“ If it still doesn’tContinue reading “[Fedora]Steps for Configuring TFTP Server”

[Linux][Shell Script]Create shortcut in bash

You can create shortcut in a bash shell Go to home directory (cd ~) Edit .bashrc file At the end of the file , you can see “User specific aliases and functions“ write shortcuts there in the following format “alias t=’cd /home/username/test’ ” (test is just a directory name. You can give any directory nameContinue reading “[Linux][Shell Script]Create shortcut in bash”

[Linux][bash][Shell Script]How to set tab space for vi editor

You can set tab space for vi editor in a bash shell Go to home directory (cd ~) Edit .vimrc file At the end of the file , Copy this line to set the tab space for vi editor .   “set tabstop=4“ To test the above settings, execute “bash” on your terminal. Then open any file using “vi”. Change to editContinue reading “[Linux][bash][Shell Script]How to set tab space for vi editor”

[Linux][Shell Scripts]How to alias vi to vim permanently

You can alias vi to vim whenever you login  in a bash shell Go to home directory (cd ~) Edit .bashrc file At the end of the file , you can see “User specific aliases and functions“ Copy this line to alias vi editor alias to vim .   “alias vi=vim“ To test the above settings, execute “bash” on your terminal.Continue reading “[Linux][Shell Scripts]How to alias vi to vim permanently”

[Linux]How to set a particular image (OS) as default in a multi boot system ( Multiple Kernels)

Login as root Go to  /boot/grub/ Edit menu.lst Change “default = 0” to the number of the image to set (count starts with 0). This method is also applicable to select an image as default from multiple kernel images present in system.   Is it worth reading ?  Please like the post if its helpful.Continue reading “[Linux]How to set a particular image (OS) as default in a multi boot system ( Multiple Kernels)”

[Fedora][Linux]Fix for ->IP address not setting automatically while system boots up

Go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ search for ifcfg-eth0 or ifcfg-eth1 (whichever interface your system uses) If the file is not found , then create it  eg:- ifcfg-eth1 TYPE=Ethernet DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=none ONBOOT=yes HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx USERCTL=no IPV6INIT=no PEERDNS=yes NETMASK=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx IPADDR=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx GATEWAY=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Then reboot the system or execute the command “service network restart” Is it worth reading ?  Please like the post if itsContinue reading “[Fedora][Linux]Fix for ->IP address not setting automatically while system boots up”

[Linux][C]What is .PHONY in Makefile

If “.PHONY : all”  added in the Makefile, make all will run the recipe  regardless of whether there is a file named all.                       Since the make command  knows that phony targets do not name real files that could be remade from other files, make skips theContinue reading “[Linux][C]What is .PHONY in Makefile”

[Linux-admin][Windows]How to remove Linux partition without affecting windows OS

 Change the default boot option to windows  Reboot the system(by windows)  Delete and format the Linux partition using windows disk management. (don’t delete boot partition).